CLASSROOM NOTES Distance Speed and Position
Did you know about the three most important elements of winning a fight? There are three elements of a fight that if you control all three, it is impossible to be beaten in a fight.
Let me also point out that if you control an element of a fight, thus keeping your attacker from controlling all three elements of a fight you still cannot be beaten.
These elements are the building blocks of learning how to fight. You are going to learn from the ground up every particle of a fight and how to win it from me. Right now what I mean by controlling an element like distance, speed or position is not controlling like keeping your mouth shut when your in a room full of men and you really want to tell them that you are not afraid of them, because you took a couple of Karate classes. When I say control I mean like you own it lock, stock, and barrel.
Let’s discuss controlling distance between your two bodies. When you control the distance between two bodies, it could mean that you out-run him when he is chasing you down the street. Or when he throws a punch or kick at you, he misjudges the distance and he is just short of you. Or he is trying to hit you but someone is between you and him and he falls short. You must understand that practice makes perfect when it comes to hitting a target. One of the things I want you to do is to take a piece of paper and wad it up real tight. Take a needle and thread and put it through the wad of paper and tie a big knot in the end of the string, or you may need to use a small button instead of a knot. Tie that thread or string, which ever you have to a ceiling light fixture so that the wad of paper is at the height that you want to practice your striking at. The purpose is to not ever actually hit the wad of paper, but to get as close as you can to it without hitting it. Remember you are a beginner just learning how to distance your fist to the target and it is not easy at first.
Speed is next and it seems like you may be at a disadvantage here, but think about this. Because women are generally speaking smaller and lighter than men they usually have speed advantage over the male. Remember in this particular case all you are trying to do is to avoid getting hit or grabbed, so we will take this one thing at a time and stick with these three words. Also, once you lean to use your body as a fighter uses their body, you can learn how avoid getting hit quite easily. Speed is something I think your can learn quite easy by just walking down the street and imagine some man passing you and you imagine moving your body out of the hand that he is trying to grab you with. This is a game that I highly recommend that you play all the time. Remember, don’t actually move your body when he passes you, just imagine that you do. This a game that will sensitize you very quickly to men making sudden moves towards you. Once you have mastered this game, step it up and imagine him throwing a quick punch to your face and you move out of harm’s way. Then when a man is standing in front of you and he is carrying on a conversation with you imagine that he tries to grab your wrist or your shoulder and you move out of the way. Next imagine him making a second and third grab for you.
Learning about position is a little bit about playing mind games with position like walking down the street and getting into a fighting posture (just imagine this) that would prevent him from successfully prevent him from hitting you because you would be not only out of range, but be ready to strike as he was attempting to strike you. That’s good positioning. You could move quickly to a point where he could not strike with any power. So, his opportunity would be lost. Position also means that if you were in a posture or position where if he did hit you, your body could either move with the punch or you could roll with the punch and not be hurt by it at all. Again his opportunity would have been lost. One final thing about position is that when a man hits your body and you are in a rock solid position or posture you can learn how to absorb the blow and he would then be vulnerable to your full force counter attack.
Learning about distance, speed or position is best learned about as an absolute beginner because it is this mental orientation that sets the student off in the right direction. Think of fighting as something that you never let your emotions such as anger guide you. Think of anger as a dangerous volatile emotion that you don’t want anything to do with. Just focus on distance, speed, and position and you will be well on your way to learning how to be a great street fighter.